The Makeup Bullet Journal Is Here!

If you are a Makeup Guide user, you have noticed that I have a not so secret passion for bullet journaling. I have discovered it back in 2017, and it is the perfect way for me to unwind in the evenings and to simply collect my thoughts. I have always kept a diary as a teenager, and now, in my adulthood, bullet journaling is my grownup diary escape 🙂
With this inspiration in mind, I created the original Makeup Guide with Makeup Tracker Charts, that are very much inspired by the bullet journaling method. These easy charts allow you to keep track of the looks you try and to follow the Makeup Plan at your own pace. But, of course, this was not enough for me…
I felt that there was much more to explore: I wanted to combine these two passions of mine in an innovative and creative way – and this how the idea for this new ebook came to light!
What is the Makeup Bullet Journal?
The Makeup Bullet Journal is a collection of beauty bullet journal layouts to use for your makeup routine. My goal is to encourage you to bring your makeup passion onto paper and to help you organize your beauty life 🙂
You can think of the Makeup Bullet Journal also as a place to record your makeup journey and experiences. This ebook allows you to let your imagination and inspiration run free and at the same time plan and organize your makeup life. It is a tool to practise your makeup routine all-around – a real beauty companion to guide and support you.
To ensure you get the best possible makeup experience, I have split the ebook into two parts so that you can find your educational content, and explanations first, followed by the printables. I have recreated the same “Makeup Guide experience”, where you can find all the makeup theory first and then the actual worksheets at the end.
The Layouts ft.
Despite being a bullet journal lover and user myself, I had to be honest with my limits and let a professional do their job. I can definitely do makeup but when it comes to properly draw, I am not that skilled. This is actually one of my long term goals! I really wish to improve my drawing and lettering skills but, for the time being, I am far away from being perfect or at a level where I can show you my creations.
I knew then that I had to find a skilled professional to help me with this new ebook. And I have found the perfect match: Aska aka Aska has been journaling on line since 2018 and she is so immensely skilled! I could not be happier to have found her! She has her own Instagram and Youtube channel where you can see all her wonderful creations. She does everything, from letting to doodling and she is a constant source of bullet journaling inspiration. As I wish myself to be a source for your makeup inspiration, I knew she could help me in this project.
Based on every chapter topic, I have roughly sketched my Makeup Bullet Journal layouts and I have then confided in Aska to do her magic. She has created the most wonderful layouts that you will be able to use on your bullet journal. They have been designed to be printed in A4, A5 or us letter. No matter what bullet journal you use, you will be able to print them and use them!
But there is more! Our lovely Aska has also created an original cover design based on our signature Makeup Guide cover. How pretty is that? ?
For everyone
You might be thinking though, that if you are not a bullet journal user, this ebook might not be for you. On the contrary! The Makeup Bullet Journal is the perfect companion for everyone and it will boost your daily makeup routine. You will find 10 educational chapters and each of them introduces an aspect of your everyday makeup routine, plus the bonus of my signature tips that you have already seen and loved in the Makeup Guide.
If you want to know more about common makeup mistakes, beauty tips for healthy skin, makeup routine steps and more, the Makeup Bullet Journal is your ideal source for the everyday makeup life.
To sum up, I hope you will love this new ebook creation as much as I do! I could not be happier with the outcome and I am very thankful for the wonderful people that helped me with the process!
Do you want to know more about the Makeup Bullet Journal? Let me know in the comments below and I will answer to all your questions in a future blog post.
It’s very helpful.
I just purchased the Makeup Guide, does the journal come with it? I can’t seem to find it separately.
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